Manageable storytelling model
We continue to develop a manageable storytelling model to build relationships and support for pro-social endeavours. Manageability is key. There cannot be too much work at any of the points of transfer to bring stories to life and pulse them out to interested recipients. Evidence of Activity - this is the results of doing - of making headway, of encountering a problem, of problem solving, and moving (forward, sideways, backward) again. Activity is powered by our beliefs, our values, our interests, our desires. Activity is the result of taking action in some way - talking, creating, re-creating, deconstructing, constructing. Evidence is the capture of activity as tangible artefact - a video, photograph, drawing, notes, diagram, design. Evidence of activity shows others the results of our taking action in pursuit of furthering our investment, it is evidence of broadening our perspectives and deepening our understanding. We share our evidence of activity to let others know what we a...